الموضوع: Biography of prophets
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قديم 22-05-2016, 06:41 AM   #6
حجابي يزين هامتي
~¦ رغد مميز ¦~

الصورة الرمزية حجابي يزين هامتي
حجابي يزين هامتي غير متواجد حالياً

بيانات اضافيه [ + ]
 رقم العضوية : 1782
 تاريخ التسجيل :  Feb 2016
 أخر زيارة : 14-12-2016 (12:49 AM)
 المشاركات : 2,257 [ + ]
 التقييم :  2147483647
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لوني المفضل : Cornflowerblue
افتراضي رد: Biography of prophets

‏أرسله الله ليهدي قومه ويدعوهم إلى عبادة الله، وكانوا قوما ظالمين يأتون الفواحش ويعتدون على الغرباء وكانوا يأتون الرجال شهوة من دون النساء فلما دعاهم لوط لترك المنكرات أرادوا أن يخرجوه هو وقومه فلم يؤمن به غير بعض من آل بيته، أما امرأته فلم تؤمن ولما يئس لوط دعا الله أن ينجيهم ويهلك المفسدين فجاءت له الملائكة وأخرجوا لوط ومن آمن به وأهلكوا الآخرين بحجارة مسومة.‏

Lot [Lut] : Lot was Abraham's nephew. Allah sent him to a transgressing people who used to commit all abominable acts and indulge in their lusts with men rather than women. Lot frequently preached to them to abandon such heinous crimes and come to the right course of Allah, but they never obeyed him. Being disappointed in them, Lot prayed Allah to destroy them, but save the believers among them. Because Lot's wife was apparently not a believer, her previous sympathy for the sinful people destined her to a miserable end along with her people.


‏أرسله الله تعالى إلى فرعون وقومه، وأيده بمعجزتين، إحداهما هي العصا التي تلقف الثعابين، أما الأخرى فكانت يده التي يدخلها في جيبه فتخرج بيضاء من غير سوء، دعا موسى إلى وحدانية الله فحاربه فرعون وجمع له السحرة ليكيدوا له ولكنه هزمهم بإذن الله تعالى، ثم أمره الله أن يخرج من مصر مع من اتبعه، فطارده فرعون بجيش عظيم، ووقت أن ظن أتباعه أنهم مدركون أمره الله أن يضرب البحر بعصاه لتكون نجاته وليكون هلاك فرعون الذي جعله الله عبرة للآخرين.

‏Moses [Musa] : Moses was sent to call Pharaoh and his people to believe in the Oneness of Allah. He was strengthened by a number of miracles. Allah instructed Moses to throw down his staff which miraculously turned into a huge snake and swallowed all the snakes which the magicians of Pharaoh had made appear. Moses was also instructed to put his hand in his pocket, and it came forth radiantly white, without stain. The Pharaoh promised severe punishments to the followers of Moses. Moses was commanded to leave Egypt with his people by night. Moses's followers were to cross the Red Sea towards Sinai in a huge procession. They were reassured not to fear the Pharaoh, nor the sea, nor the vast unknown desert of Sinai into which they were venturing. They crossed the Red Sea - after Moses struck the sea with his miraculous staff and made it split into dry passage - while the Pharaoh, who had pursued them with his troops, was overwhelmed by the sea.


‏أخو موسى ورفيقه في دعوة فرعون إلى الإيمان بالله لأنه كان فصيحا ومتحدثا، استخلفه موسى على قومه عندما ذهب للقاء الله فوق جبل الطور، ولكن حدثت فتنة السامري الذي حول بني إسرائيل إلى عبادة عجل من الذهب له خوار ، فدعاهم هارون إلى الرجوع لعبادة الله بدلا من العجل ولكنهم استكبروا فلما رجع موسى ووجد ما آل إليه قومه عاتب هارون عتابا شديدا.‏

Aaron [Harun] : Aaron was Moses's eloquent brother who helped him proclaim his mission to Pharaoh. When Moses went to fulfill the appointment with his Lord on Mount Sinai, Aaron succeeded him in leading the Israelites. During this period a man called Al-Samiri suggested to the Israelites that they make the golden figure of a calf to worship. Thus they went astray and committed a great sin. Aaron persistently tried to convince them to return to the worship of Allah, but they did not listen to him. Upon his return, Moses was angered and blamed Aaron heavily for letting the Israelites divert from the true faith.


 توقيع : حجابي يزين هامتي

التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة حجابي يزين هامتي ; 22-05-2016 الساعة 07:14 AM

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