الموضوع: Biography of prophets
عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 22-05-2016, 06:41 AM   #7
حجابي يزين هامتي
~¦ رغد مميز ¦~

الصورة الرمزية حجابي يزين هامتي
حجابي يزين هامتي غير متواجد حالياً

بيانات اضافيه [ + ]
 رقم العضوية : 1782
 تاريخ التسجيل :  Feb 2016
 أخر زيارة : 14-12-2016 (12:49 AM)
 المشاركات : 2,257 [ + ]
 التقييم :  2147483647
Saudi Arabia
 الجنس ~
 MMS ~
لوني المفضل : Cornflowerblue
افتراضي رد: Biography of prophets


‏أرسل إلى قوم عاد الذين كانوا بالأحقاف، وكانوا أقوياء الجسم والبنيان وآتاهم الله الكثير من رزقه ولكنهم لم يشكروا الله على ما آتاهم وعبدوا الأصنام فأرسل لهم الله هودا نبيا مبشرا، كان حكيما ولكنهم كذبوه وآذوه فجاء عقاب الله وأهلكهم بريح صرصر عاتية استمرت سبع ليال وثمانية أيام.‏

Hud : One community, called `Ad, were strong and of huge stature. Allah blessed them in everything, but they were ungrateful to Him and began to worship idols. Allah sent them a messenger from among themselves to guide them. It was Hud who was born into a noble family and grew up virtuous and intelligent. He invited them to follow the way of Allah, and worked hard to counsel them. But they did not believe and were satisfied with the life of this world. They were destroyed by a fierce wind that blew and uprooted trees, demolished houses and flung animals away. It lasted for seven nights and eight days.


‏ابن نبي الله زكريا، ولد استجابة لدعاء زكريا لله أن يرزقه الذرية الصالحة فجعل آية مولده أن لا يكلم الناس ثلاث ليال سويا، وقد كان يحيى نبيا وحصورا ومن الصالحين ، كما كان بارا تقيا ورعا منذ صباه.‏

Yahya [John the Baptist] : Yahya, the son of Zechariah, was born in fulfillment of his father's supplication that Allah might grant him a righteous child. The sign of his birth was that his father would not speak to anyone for three days, though he was not dumb. Yahya was a devout prophet who was given wisdom at a young age.


‏ابن إسحاق يقال له إسرائيل تعني عبد الله، كان نبيا لقومه، وكان تقيا وبشرت به الملائكة جده إبراهيم وزوجته سارة عليهما السلام وهو والد يوسف.‏

Jacob [Ya`qub] : Jacob, son of Isaac, the Prophet, was also called Israel which means "Servant of Allah." His grandparents, Abraham and Sarah, were given the tidings of his piety and prophethood. Jacob was the father of Joseph. His 12 sons became the progenitors of the tribes of Israel.


 توقيع : حجابي يزين هامتي

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